Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January Day 25

Day 25 "Something you made"
This is something I am very proud of that I made, my glass splashback. I worked for about 6 years making glass art windows and splashbacks. When I got my own house and decided to renovate I knew I would not be happy with tiles or flat glass and the only thing for my kitchen was something uniquely designed and made by me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January Day 24

Day 24 "Guilty pleasure"

I asked my Husband what he thinks my guilty pleasure is, I couldn't think of anything. His response was chocolate. Whilst it is true that I do enjoy chocolate and may over indulge from time to time, I don't actually feel any guilt about it. Why would I feel guilty about enjoying chocolate if i'm not dieting, I don't count calories and no one has told me not to eat chocolate. 
Then I started to think about what does make me feel guilty? My answer to that is spending money on things I don't need. So my guilty pleasure would have to be iced coffee frappes from McDonald's. I really enjoy the taste but I try to avoid buying them because it's money that could be better spent on other things. Today I decided to spend a little money on myself and indulge in an iced coffee frappe.   

Monday, January 23, 2012

January Day 23

Today the category was "something old".

My something old is my nan's jewellery. I look after this for my nieces and my daughter so I can one day pass it down to them. I didn't get along with my nan when she was alive, I felt like she had some resentment towards me for being the first one born after my brother passed away from SIDS. She once told me that I would not be around if he had not died (I was in primary school at the time). One of my biggest fears has been that I will one day turn out as miserable as my nan was. My nan died when I was in my last year of high school, when she was on her death bed she reached out and held my hand. When she held my hand it was the closest I had ever felt with my nan, it was as if she had finally made peace with me. The older I get the more I understand about why my nan was so bitter, she had a rough life and had been through more than her fair share of pain. I have a greater appreciation for what a strong woman my nan was now that I am older and know more about her life.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January Day 22

Today's Category is "your shoes"

My shoes are comfy and are my favourite colours pink, purple and blue. I have a lot of other shoes too but these are the ones I wear most the time.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

January Day 21

Day 21 " reflection"

Jumped in bed about to turn on the laptop and noticed my reflection on the screen. I think i spend a little too much time with my laptop.

Friday, January 20, 2012

January Day 20

Day 20 "Someone you love"

I love my husband but he really hates getting his photo taken. This is the best I could get today.

Here are three reason why I love my husband:

1. He lets me sleep in. On the mornings when he's not working he gets up and looks after our daughter when she wakes up so i can stay in bed a little longer.

2. He cheers me up with his jokes, even though they are mostly lame jokes.

3. He let me have the last bit of chocolate :) How sweet is that 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January Day 19

Day 19 "Sweet"

Today I spent a little time in the kitchen and made these tasty sweets. Sherbet Marshmallow Cones for me and my husband. Yummy. I made some on the weekend for my daughters party but missed out on getting any for myself as they were very popular and went very quickly.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January Day 18

The category for today's photo is "something you bought"

Due to lack of funds the only thing I bought today was lunch and fuel for my car. I have so many things i would of liked to have bought and places i would like to have gone today. Today is my daughters birthday and would like to have bought her a birthday present or taken her to the zoo(she loves animals). I have never been one to struggle with money as i have always been pretty good at budgeting. There are a lot of things I have had to adjust to since becoming a mum, living without my income and relying on what money the husband brings home is one of the hardest adjustment I've had to make.

Unsure of how to photograph the fuel I bought I decided to put a photo of some owls i saw at the wildlife sanctuary which is where i went today with the fuel i bought. This worked out a lot cheaper than it would of  to go to the zoo because it is closer so less fuel to get there and it is free admission.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January Day 17

Day 17 "Water"

Today was pretty hot where I am and today's category being water it was tempting to go for a visit to the river or one of the near by beaches to take today's photo. However I decided to stay at home in the air conditioning instead. So today's photo is of my  backyard pond.
The origin of our pond dates back to the honeymoon. On our honeymoon there were some really nice ponds at one of the places we stayed. My husband asked if he could build a pond at our house, I agreed. About a week after we arrived home and I was back at work I received a picture message with the hole he had dug for the pond. My first thought was "oh no, what have I agreed to?". It was a bit larger than I had imagined as we don't have a huge back yard. When I saw the beginning of it I was a bit worried, now I think it is looking good. Still a little more work to do but it's getting there.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January Day 16

Day 16 "Morning"

I really could not be bothered getting up this morning, but my husband was at work and my daughter needs to be supervised or she would probably end up eating everything she could find small enough to fit in her mouth and more. So tired and feeling pretty horrible I had to get out of bed. I took my daughter into the lounge room to play with her toys, while i had a lay down on the floor next to her for about half hour and watched. I occasionally had to get up to stop her from causing too much mischief and I also got climbed over a few times, but I really had no energy to be do anything.

My girl made the most of this opportunity and explored my purse while I lacked the energy to tell her otherwise. My thoughts this morning was if it's not dangerous to her then I'm not moving.     

January Day 12-15

So I've been a bit slack lately on the blog post as I have been keeping myself busy preparing for my daughters first birthday, and also trying to adjust to the husband being back at work after holidays. 

Here is day  12 through to 15:

Day 12 "Close-Up"

 This is a close-up of my daughters eyes. Lots of people comment on how long her eye lashes are. I think every part of her is just perfect.

Day 13 " In your Bag"

My handbag doesn't contain much since my little girl has got to that stage where she moves quick and gets into everything. For some reason she seems obsessed with carrying around my bag and emptying the contents.

Day 14 "Something your reading"

This is all I ever seem to get time to read these days. My Favourite of the bunch is colour me happy

Day 15 "Happiness"

Well this photo isn't one i took as that is me lifting my daughter, but i feel this sums up happiness to me. Enjoying a beautiful day of birthday celebration for my little angel. These moments are precious and I'm grateful for every smile.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January Day 11

"where you sleep"

Like most people I sleep in a bed. That's my hubby in the photo on the other side of the bed playing my DS. Even though this is a queen size bed it never feels big enough when i'm trying to get comfortable.

I want a king size bed

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January Day 10


This a doll from my childhood holding my preschool photo album.
You can see me pictured in the left of the album using a hula hoop, something that seemed so easy as a kid but when I tried it a few weeks ago with my nieces I was absolutely hopeless. Perhaps the pregnant belly didn’t help.
In the photo on the right hand side of the album I am playing with play dough, which is something I will be attempting to make this week for my daughter birthday party.
The doll holding the album is not the first cabbage patch doll I received as a child. This was one that was bought to replace my first cabbage patch doll after my younger sister left it at somewhere at a shopping  centre. This is just one of many toys that my sister borrowed without permission and lost or broke. It made me very angry as a kid, but I know now she only wanted to play with my toys because she loved me because I am her big sister.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January day 9

"daily routine"
I'm not very good at sticking to a routine as my life always seems to be all over the place. I am getting a bit better at sticking to a routine since becoming a mum. However one thing I have done routinely even before having a baby was make an effort to brush my teeth twice a day.

January Day 8

"Your Sky"

Your sky is a weird phrase as no one owns the sky it's everyones sky, or maybe even mother natures sky would be a better term. Anyway this is how the sky looked from my backyard today. Great weather a bit of sun but not too hot. It was a great day to go for a walk with my family.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January Day 7

The category for today is "favourite"

I chose to take a photo of my favourite fruit the mango. These also happen to be in season during my favourite time of the year summer.  Mmmm...Mango

Friday, January 6, 2012

January Day 6

The photo for today is " makes you smile"

One thing that makes me smile is bath time. My daughter loves the water which makes giving her a bath loads of fun (until it's time to get her out). Today during bath time she decided to stop splashing for a moment and lean down to lap up the water for a drink, similar to how animals drink. I think maybe she has been spending a little too much time following the cat around. Another thing that made me smile during bath time today was when when Tirranna stood up at the side of the bath to give me a kiss.

Here is my photo for today:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January Day 5

"Something you wore"

Today's category left me with lots of options as I have so many things i have worn. after much umming and ahhing I decided that I would just keep it simple and put up a photo of the clothes I wore today. I throw my clothes down next to the bed at the end of everyday even though I have a washing basket not too far away. My husband always tells me off for not using the basket but I guess this is just one of my many bad habits.

This is something i wore:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January Day 4

Today the category is "letterbox"
My letterbox isn't overly exciting, the most interesting thing about it is probably the squiggly pattern on the top (that I assume was made by a snail). This letterbox is however very sturdy and has survived being backed into by my brother in laws car with out any damage done to the letterbox :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January Day 3

The category for today's photo is "something you adore"

My something is more of a someone than a thing. My daughter Tirranna. I adore everything about her. Her curls, her smile her laugh, the funny faces she pulls and the way she explores the world. From the moment I knew I was pregnant with her I have felt overwhelmed with love towards her. My world is a better place because she is in it. I adore Tirranna more than anything.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January Day 2

Day 2 photo category is "Breakfast".

I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I have never really been a big fan. Most day's i would skip breakfast before becoming a mum. Having a daughter i have to give her something to eat so now i usually just make some toast and we sit on tiles and eat breakfast together.

Here is today's Breakfast. 

January day 1

Today the category is "you". I decided this ment a photo of myself. Rather then turn the camera around I decided to take some inspiration from one of my favourite artist brett whiteley and use a mirror to put myself in the picture to make it a little more interesting.

The Challenge

The idea is to take a photo a day of using this list as a guideline.

Sounds easy enough, now i just have to remember to take a photo each day.